About me


I am currently doing my PhD in philosophy of mind at the LMU in Munich. My research is funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts coordinated by the Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation (bidt). I'm part of the CVBE Cognition, Values and Behaviour group.

I work in philosophy of mind and cognitive science on understanding fruitful connections between models of artificial intelligence and the human mind. In my doctoral project, I look at A) how modals of human perception can make artificial intelligence more robust and possibly human-like, and B) how artificial intelligence can be used to augment human perception.

Beyond this current project, I have wider interests in computational approaches in cognitive science, cognitive architectures, neural networks and behavioural science.

Before my PhD, I obtained a B.Sc. in Business at the University of Mannheim, a B.A. in Philosophy at the University of Warwick, and a M.A. in Philosophy at the LMU.

Besides philosophy, I was the Academic Director of ThinkTech, a non-profit organisation discussing the societal impact of technology. Now, I am a proud father of one.

Academic CV

CV longin 2022.pdf